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Business and Entrepreneurship

Immerse yourself in a professional development journey to further understand the world of business.

The GOCAPS Business and Entrepreneurship strand in Branson offers a unique experience in the aspect that we are a tourist town full of successful small and large businesses. The program offers hands-on experience with CEOs, employees, business owners, and human resource officers in our community. Through these unique experiences, students have the opportunity to learn countless soft skills that contribute to their personal pathway of success, which include: communication, leadership, management, sales, teamwork, and development skills. The experiences students will gain throughout their GOCAPS journey will benefit and follow them throughout their personal and professional lifestyle. In this strand, students grow together as a team, but on top of that, students grow as individuals discovering where their potential shines in the career path students discover is best for them.


Want to learn more? Read ourĀ Business GO CAPS Flyer!

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